Tuesday, May 06, 2008

May Membership Meeting & Pole Depot Gala Day Presentation: 24 May

As per our President, VWBro Fidel Pamplona and Vice-President, Bro Louie Reyes; and as per our last monthly meeting:

Pole Depot "Multicultural Festival" Dance Presentation:

As per invitation by VWBro Norm Sandstrom and as per our liaison, VWBro Manny Maniago, we will perform at their Multicultural Festival on 24 May, from alloted time of 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM.

This will be at the Pole Depot Neighbourhood Centre situated in the heart of the St. George area at 23 St. Georges Road, Penshurst. As the name implies, Pole Depot is a neighbourhood centre that caters the St George area, from child minding services to migrant support. Click here for more info.

"POLE DEPOT MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL Pole Depot will hold a Multicultural Festival on Saturday, 24th May from 9.30am till 2.00pm, featuring cultural displays of dancing and music, a range of cultural goods and foods available. The Festival coincides with the Art and Craft market of St. George Creative Art & Craft Centre, also held on the Pole Depot site. Market stalls selling culturally-specific goods are welcome." Per their notice board announcement.

May Monthly Membership Meeting: 24 May, 1:00 PM at The Maniago's Residence

To coincide with the Pole Depot presentation, the monthly membership meeting for 24 May will be right after the Pole Depot presentation at VWBro Manny and Sis Remy Maniago's house. This is just a short drive from the Pole Depot venue.

This is a "special" and important meeting in the sense that this will be the nomination meeting for the new set of officers for year 2007-2008. Please lend your support to the club by attending this meeting and fellowship.

The Vice-President, Bro Louie Reyes, who coordinates the "south" of the meeting requests that you bring a plate of dish or finger food and your favourite drinks to share. This is not compulsory, and from experience we usually have a lot of food and drinks around. So please don't let this prevent you from having fellowship with the brethren and ladies. Your presence is very important.

Prayers and News Tidbits:

Please continue to pray for Bro Manny "Bubot" Santos' brother, Eric and family.

Also WBro Leo Bautista is sick with flu but on the mend, as well as WBro Rolly Fabi and Bro Manny Santos, with gout. The last two brothers travelled to the Philippines recently and somehow "contracted" gout. Maybe too much pulutan and alcoholic drinks!

Continue praying for all sick brethren, ladies and their families. Especially for Sis Mela Reyes and Sis Connie Angeles.

Congratulations to WBro Vince Flores!

WBro Vince Flores's term as Worshipful Master of Lodge Alpha 970 is drawing to a close. They will be having an Installation of Officers this coming Friday, 9 May at the Blacktown Masonic Centre, corner Boys and 1st Avenues, 6:30 PM Tyling.

Congratulations to WBro Vince Flores and his team of officers and also congratulations to all incoming officers. Especially to Bro Manny Santos, incoming Junior Warden, Bro Carlo San Juan and Bro Sherwin Lim, incoming Senior and Junior Deacons, respectively.

Happy Birthday to ALL May Celebrants!

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