Friday, February 22, 2008

Invitation to the Consecration Ceremony of Lodge Cedars No 1041: 29 March

Dear Brethren,

The Worshipful Master Designate, WBro. Gary Sayed is fraternally inviting the FilMasons Association and their Ladies to attend their Consecration Ceremony on Saturday, 29th March 2008 at the Punchbowl Masonic Centre, 29 Arthur Street, Punchbowl.

Members and Visitors to be seated at 3:45 pm and the Consecration Ceremony will follow and will be officiated by the Grand Master of UGL NSW-ACT; MW Bro Raymond Barry Brooke, JP.

Consecretion Banquet will be at Bellevue Bankstown Function Centre, Restwell Street entry thru Stewart Lane with a charge of $50.00 per head. The Ladies will be entertained during the consecration and re-installation ceremony.

Please let us support this new Lodge on their Consecration Ceremony.

Kind regards,

Bro Fidel
President, FilMasons NSW, Inc.

"CONSECRATION Sacer was the Latin for something set aside as holy. By prefixing con, meaning "together," consecrare resulted, the general significance of which was that by adding to some holy object a formal ceremony the object was declared to be holy to the public, and must therefore be treated as such. The ceremony of consecrating a Lodge room is a way of giving notice to the public that it has been dedicated, or set aside, for Masonic purposes only."

To read the website and vision statement of Lodge Cedars No 1041, click here.

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