Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fellow Bloggers

I have just invited Sis Nanette Briones and Bro Louie Reyes as fellow bloggers to our FilMasons BloGazine.

Sis Nanette is behind the man (that's you Editor WBro Bobby!) and perennial helper and "Chief of the Editor" of our FilMason Newsletter (the original and printed version).

While Bro Louie is not only our newest Vice President, but also an avid writer and retired chess master.

Welcome on board and we will wait for your posts.

Any other brother or sister who wants to contribute, please email your article to me. If you want to be a regular contributor, I can set up and invite you as well.

Bro Mario


FilMasons NSW said...

Welcome aboard Bro Louie!

Bro Mario

FilMasons NSW said...

Welcome aboard Sis Nanette!

I just saw your name on our BloGazine's banner...

Bro Mar